Wii Gameplay Hands-On: Does Legend Of Zelda's Swordplay Suffice?

So the stripping PS3 has had its moment in the spotlight today, and the Nintendo Wii wants some of the attention too.  What better way to do it than to show off gameplay of one of the most hotly anticipated titles, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, complete with an extra-thorough run down of just how well the innovative Wiimote motion controller works in reality.


In essence a port of the Gamecube version, only in widescreen and with support for the Wiimote, Kotaku found the integration of movement and action a little stilted at times.  Yes, you can swing your sword around like a crazy person, but if you want to actually stab someone with it then you'll be back to using the control stick as well. 


It's disappointing, because so many – both in the Nintendo camp and outside of it – are putting a large chunk of their hopes in motion-control as the Wii's trump card.  The graphics, although looking lovely, will always be overshadowed by the high-def output of competing consoles, and without bells'n'whistles like the XBox 360's media streaming or the PS3's Blu-Ray drive Wii needs to do simple gameplay simply wonderfully.


Hands-On, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [Kotaku]

