The Dark Knight Shatters Records By Selling 600,000 Blu-Ray Copies In The First Week

The Dark Knight sold 600,000 Blu-ray edition copies on release day, shattering previously held records for high definition disk sales. In all, The Dark Knight sold a total of three million copies, making Blu-ray sales just 20 percent of total sales numbers.


In hopes that the Batman summer blockbuster would generate unprecedented sales, Warner Home Video shipped one million Blu-ray copies for the release of the DVD. "In the first two days across those three territories, Blu-ray Disc sales are running between 25 percent and 30 percent of total (disc) sales, which is a massive number," Warner's Ron Sanders told Home Media. "We had expected Blu-ray to account for a significant percentage of sales, but not quite this high, which speaks well for the format. It's really catching on with consumers."

The Dark Knight broke records set by the Robert Downey Jr. action hit, Iron Man. Iron Man only sold 500,000 Blu-ay disks within the first week. Studio executives were reportedly trying to push the high definition disks after reports stating that there were 147,000 new Blu-ray players being sold on Black Friday week alone. Warner Home Studio says that they may be able to sell one million Blu-ray disks by the weekend.


