The Bar Of Soap Does Everything But Lather
When I first was reading about this Bar of Soap, my first impression was that it was a highly advanced mood ring. Then once reading a bit more in depth it is actually the very beginnings of an all in one kind of gadget.
This bar of soap, which has absolutely nothing to do with soap, but combines a phone, camera, games and any other gadget they can possibly fit in there. It works by simply holding it as if you were going to take a picture and it switches to the camera. If you hold it up to your ear like you would a phone it switches to the phone.
The device from MIT contains an accelerometer and 72 capacitive sensors with 2 low-power ChLCD screens as well as bluetooth. A preliminary study showed that users received 95% accuracy when using it.
Bar of Soap: "Grasp Sensitive" Device Guesses What You Want It To Do Next [via gadget lab]