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The Coolest Ways To Use NFC On Your Android Phone
The basics
To get the most out of NFC technology, you’ll need a set of NFC tags and an app on your Android phone capable of reading the tags and executing routines of varying complexity. Some Android devices may already have an app capable of this pre-installed, but the NFC Tools app, along with its companion app, NFC Tasks, is a popular alternative.
For those who dread getting out of bed to turn off forgotten lights, NFC could solve your bedtime problems without forcing you to get up. After you create a nighttime routine, simply put an NFC tag where you place your phone before sleep to trigger the tasks you set, such as turning off smart lights, setting alarms, and pausing phone notifications.
Rise and shine
Just like how you can use NFC for your bedtime routine, you can create tasks to help with your mornings, by setting it to turn on lights or play your favorite news briefing. A great way to force yourself up in the morning could be by placing the NFC tag assigned to turn off your alarm far away from your bed.
Away routines
If you have invested in a smart home setup, an NFC tag tasked with assignments like turning off lights and running minor appliances while you’re away is a great way to save time and complete some household chores. Place an NFC tag on or near the front door programmed with the routine and scan it on your way out.
Different modes
These NFC-triggered routines can be a powerful tool for staying productive, but some have also used the tags to create an atmosphere for movie night, put themselves in a Do Not Disturb mode, or start cooking appliances. Since these NFC tags are inexpensive, there isn’t a reason not to use them in various places to make your life more convenient.