Rarely-Used Tools You Should Consider Getting Rid Of
Radial Arm Saw
While the radial arm saw was often advertised as a machine that can “do it all,” it was often outshined by other tools and often needed its blade to be dangerously exposed.
While an adjustable wrench is useful if it's the only tool you have on hand, wrenches that fit the nut or bolt you’re trying to loosen usually offer more leverage and grip.
Robo Grips got popular in the ‘90s due to their supposed ability to automatically adjust to whatever you were trying to grip, but ended up being slippery with too soft teeth.
Universal sockets worked by using a series of pins that fit around whatever fastener they applied to, allowing you to tighten it. The pins ended up being too flimsy to be useful.
Cheap tool kits often claim to have every tool you would ever need, but these tools are so low quality that you’d be better off buying high-quality tools individually over time.