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How To Clear Your Gmail Cache
On Gmail, a cache is used to keep information on your computer so that the service works faster and doesn't take as long to load up each time, but sometimes having all that data stored may not be something you want. Clearing your Gmail cache is easy, but before doing so, you'll want to make sure you won't be losing anything you need like backed-up emails.
On Chrome
Type chrome://settings/siteData in the URL field, press Enter, and scroll to "" Click on the trash icon on the right to remove the cache for Gmail and then scroll to the very top and click the "Remove All" button if you want to clear the cache for every site.
On Firefox
Click on the three lines in the top right corner, go to "Preferences," then "Privacy & Security," and scroll down to "Cookies and Site Data." Click on "Clear Data," select "Cached Web Content," and then click on "Clear."
Offline Gmail
If you have offline Gmail enabled, this will also be saving cached mail to your computer. To turn it off, head to Gmail, click on the gear icon to get to Settings, click "See all settings,'' and then select "Offline." There will be a checkmarked box if you have offline mail enabled, so click on it to disable it and select "Save Changes."