Square Enix To Talk About Upcoming MMO

Ah GDC, how I wish I could make it this year. Unfortunately I'll be sitting this one out in favor of going to other shows later in the year. It really is shaping up to be a good event though. One piece of news that is likely going to be covered is an upcoming MMO from Square Enix.


I tend to watch what Square Enix is doing, because they have a tendency to churn out some kick-ass games. Back in 2006 there was talk about an MMO being developed by their team, but little else was ever mentioned. Now a brief blurb on Taku Murata's GDC page mentions that he will be talking about how a new game engine dubbed White Engine "will be used for FINAL FANTASY XIII, new MMORPG under development, and other titles in the future "

Even though I may not be attending the show in person, I'll be keeping a close eye on the news coming out of GDC and keeping you guys posted. You can bet that I'll let you know when we hear more about this project.

[via PS3 Fanboy]

