Samsung's Discreet WEP500 Bluetooth Earpiece Reviewed

When choosing a Bluetooth headset it's a tricky toss-up between wearing something geekily Borg-like but that at least shows you're not just talking to yourself, or picking a far smaller, more discrete earpiece yet running the risk of being mistaken for someone who answers back to the voices in their head. Samsung's WEP500 falls decidedly into the latter camp, being around the size of a US quarter and requiring a small carry-case charger.


MobileBurn rammed the WEP500 determinedly into their ear and put it through its paces, concluding that the $119.99 device (which can be found online for as low as $69.99) manages outstanding sound quality and comfort despite the awkward placement of its multifunction button and on-the-low-side 3.5hr talktime.

Buy the Samsung WEP 500 Bluetooth Headset featuring a unique circular designJust $79.95Samsung WEP500 Review [MobileBurn]

