Pictures From CTIA 2007
The booths are being packed up, and the large crowd is slowly tricking back to their hotel rooms and eventually to the airport. Yes, CTIA will be over shortly. But Vincent was camera-happy while he was there, so there are still a bunch of pictures that you haven't seen.
You'll need to head over to the CTIA 2007 gallery to check out the full collection, but I've included a few here to give you a taste. You'll likely see some products that we haven't written up yet, it's not that we don't like them, but there were too many to dedicate full stories to. If you have questions about specific products here, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to track down the info for you.
I hope you've enjoyed our coverage of this year's CTIA wireless show. I'll leave you with a few extra pictures that we had. Don't forget to check out the full gallery.