Nurian X-35 electronic dictionary also offers translations and a FM radio

If you frequently travel abroad and have not mastered all the languages of the world, you may want to pick up the Nurian X-35 to help tackle any language barriers.  This electronic dictionary will help with translations for example English to Korean, Korean to English, Chinese to English, and English to Chinese.

The Nurian X-35 offers definitions in 13 different languages, including Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Spain, Italian, Thailand, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese and Indonesian to fit many of the most common situations. If that is not enough the Nurian X-35 also features authentic native-speaker voice on search results so accents do not get in the way.

This device also features audio and video playback, though we are not sure what video may be used for. If having a dictionary just seems a bit boring to you, you will be happy to know that this device also includes an integrated FM radio, text/image viewer and voice recording capability. Looks like all Nurian X-35 is missing are games like solitaire and Mine Sweeper. Maybe someone will come up with an emulator of some kind in the future? Anyone?