Nintendo Famicom Torn Asunder by iFixit

While some people may like to put things together, in little Do It Yourself projects, there's others that get their kicks by tearing things apart. The fine folks over at iFixit are some of those people that would fit quite nicely in the latter category. Well known for tearing apart some of the most high-profile devices out there, all in the hopes of figuring out how they tick, it's good to see that they're going back in time, to find out how some of the ancient pieces of tech out there, that helped shape today's day-and-age, worked. That's where Nintendo's classic Famicom comes in.

The Famicom is Nintendo's family computer. But, it's also called the Nintendo Entertainment System here in the States, when it debuted years, and years ago. Notable features include: a 4W power supply — which is about 2.5% of what the current generation Xbox 360 consumes. Other than that, as you can imagine the technology inside the Famicom is notably dated, and yet interesting all on its own. We definitely feel that, if you're a fan of looking how things work, or a fan of gaming at all, you'll need to go through the source link below and check out iFixit's full run down of their tear down.

[via iFixit]