Microsoft and Epic Games Let You Decide the Fate of Carmine in Gears of War 3 for Charity

Gears of War is by far one of the most popular video game titles on the planet. It's a success, in every sense of the word, for Microsoft and Epic Games, with the first two installments amassing millions of copies sold, and some of the most highly rated games to ever get released. And now with the third one about to drop onto shelves (relatively speaking, mind you — it's not tomorrow, by any means), there's one question on everyone's mind: How's the rookie going to die? Well, turns out that the rookie, also known as Carmine, will have his Fate decided this time around. And by you.

Anthony and Benjamin Carmine are part of the same lineage. They were the Carmines –the rookie– in the first and second game, and they both befell a terrible death. In essence, these guys are the Red Shirts of Gears of War (a Star Trek reference), and so far they haven't made it to the end titles. And, while Clayton Carmine is all set to crack some Locust skulls in the next installment, that doesn't necessarily mean his digital character has to follow in the footsteps of his previous brethren.

Starting July 29th, you will be able to make your way into the Avatar marketplace on Xbox LIVE and buy a shirt for your digital representation. One shirt says "Save Carmine," while the other clearly states "Carmine must die." Straight to the point. The former is black, while the latter is red (which are pictured above). And yes, the shirts will cost you a few Microsoft Points, but that's actually the reason we're giving any mention to this at all. The money you spend to get that shirt, and determine the survival of Carmine, is actually going to a very good cause: the Child's Play Charity.

If you haven't heard of Child's Play, it's a community-based industry charity that's specifically designed to better the lives of children all over the world. Child's Play has been building its network of hospitals for several years now, and they're working with upwards of 60 of them now, and working closely with its donors to raise millions of dollars, as well as build collections of video games, consoles, toys, and other items to sick or needy children all over the planet.

If you're willing to donate to a charity that's as popular and powerful as Child's Play, but don't know any other way to do it, then there's no easier way than to grab a shirt from the Avatar market. You don't even need to wear it (but why wouldn't you?). All of the proceeds from the purchase will make its way to Child's Play, and you'll even be able to brag to your friends that you helped decide the fate of one of the most iconic (if not completely permanent) characters in the video game industry.

[via GamerScore blog]