LivePlace Renders Virtual City 'In The Cloud'

If you visited yesterday, you would have seen a video up that portrayed a virtual city called City Space that looked almost real. Now, this is nothing new for movie-style graphics, but it's definitely new for online gaming. Apparently the domain is owned by Brad Greenspan, co-founder of and the video portrays a game running on OTOY, a 3D graphics engine that renders "in the cloud."


The use of "in the cloud" rendering makes it so your computer doesn't have to be a powerhouse to process the superb graphics. The game is expected to appear much like a real city, with properties, stores, subways and more. There will even be real-time lighting and weather effects.

The game should run on any browser, without the use of any plugins. No launch date has been confirmed but given the MySpace connection, it is likely this will be a virtual social media undertaking.

See LivePlace in action

[via TechCrunch]

