Helio Ocean Hacked To Include Opera Mini

I'm a person that loves choices, especially when it comes to my web browser. Even back when I was younger I was a Netscape kid, then again I was a Mac kid too. Nowadays I use Firefox, and I've got no complaints. I know that many people are starting to turn to Opera, so much so that the guys over at Heliocity have hacked the Ocean to support their favorite browser.


While the hack isn't the easiest to perform, and it has its fair share of bugs (for instance the QWERTY keyboard doesn't work), it's a huge deal that they've accomplished this much.

For now, I think I'll hold off on attempting this on my own Ocean. Once they get the whole QWERTY keyboard support down I'll probably try my hand at it. I've really got no issues with the current browser (I don't do that much surfing on my Ocean) but I do like to have choices.

We Love the Idea of Opera Mini on Helio's Ocean [via crunchgear]

