Heath didn't want a Wii for Christmas, so he beat his girlfriend up

We talk about video game violence as a very controversial subject, but what about violence from getting a video game system? Apparently 26-year-old Heath Blom did not want the Wii that his grandparents bought him for Christmas so we went nuts on family members.


Here is how it allegedly went down, Blom only wanted a remote controlled airplane for Christmas, but he received a Wii instead. After that it is believed the Blom "acted like a real asshole" toward his grandparents and his girlfriend started in on him, "When he didn't get the plane, he got really upset. He acted like a 10-year-old kid."

After the exchanging of words it ended up that "He dragged me down two flights of stairs, by the hair," Young said.  Bloom claims that he stood in the doorway trying to block her as she not only punched him in the eye, but punched him three times, after which he pulled her hair. Whatever the case, they were both hauled off with misdemeanor charges of "domestic-related" simple assault.


