Google I/O 2015 Gallery

At Google I/O 2015, the search giant has carved out a path that will move it forward not just to the next years but also to next frontiers. Of course, Android M is front and center, with a lot of treasures still to be discovered in the coming months, and with it, the announcement of Android Pay that will take shopping to the next level. We can't ignore Google's stronger push to take over your home, with its Brillo platform and Weave protocol. Google Photos also made its debut, making us pause to consider if Google+ still has a future. We also moved from the actual to the theoretical, with Google ATAP's new moonshot projects that aims to make wearables really wearable, with Project Jacquard's touch-sensitive fabrics and Project Soli's radar-based motion tracking. Read our Google I/O 2015 Wrap Up.