Google+ App Now Supports iPad and iPod Touch

When an iOS app for the fledgling social network Google+ was introduced last month, it quickly shot up to become the top free app on iTunes. And it's interesting to note that the app wasn't even available to iPads and iPod touch devices. A new update this morning fixes that and adds some other improvements.

The Google+ app for iOS now supports the iPad and iPod touch, whereas previously it could only be installed on the iPhone. However, it is not optimized for the iPad interface yet and simply uses a double resolution version that's bound to look more pixelated.

With the update, the Google+ group chat offering called Huddle now gets some new settings, including the option to hide a huddle or to mute one. You can also reject huddles instead of just blocking the requesting person entirely.

Additionally, notifications will now be grouped based on type so that each circle add, +1, or comment will get aggregated into its own group instead of appearing separately.

[via TNW]