Final Article On The Antenna-Less Palm Treo With Additional Images

My dear Treo-addicts, I'm afraid I've failed you all. In my attempt to gather more info (on the Lennon – 750), I was merely told that the special invites for the premiere of the new Treo were sent out. The event is to take place somewhere in Europe on September 12th. Coincidentally, CTIA Wireless also starts on that day. I've secured, signed, sealed and deliver the first slot to meet with Palm representatives on Thursday September 12th at 10AM PST. I will have live shots and videos for your viewing pleasure. Please NOTE that this will be an hour after the OFFICIAL announcement of the new Treo. The final announcement should be released at 9AM PST.


Even though I have no new info to share, we did score more images of the new Treo, from a different source. Enjoy.

Images courtesy of [thanks for the tip Jimbo!]

