Everex CloudBook - now available online, but where's the in-store pickup option?

The Everex CloudBook that has constantly been pushed back is now up on Wal-Mart's site for the $400 price, you can get it delivered to your house, or site to store, but there is no option to find it in store. In fact, if you read the bottom of my screen shot, it clearly says "Not available in stores".

So, I called my local Wal-Mart, they said they were expecting it today, so, its either not going to be available in stores and the stores just don't know it, or it is, and it just hasn't arrived yet as the guy in the electronics department said they haven't arrived yet. Hopefully they do become available in stores because its tax season and impulse purchases on high dollar items are rampant so they could make some money.

The CloudBook is the Eee's only competitor right now, and the slight differences between the two almost make them targeted at entirely different markets. Me, myself, and I, I want the CloudBook for its 30GB HDD, and I kind of like the way it looks better too.