Dubai To Get Solar-Powered Rotating Tower
Remember the rotating house we wrote about back in October? Imagine a whole lot of them stacked up on top of each other, completing one full rotation every seven days and powered solely by the sun. This, friends and beloveds, is the Time Residences tower, due to start climbing sky-ward in Dubai next July. Two-hundred apartments, a mixture of one- and two-bedroom units as well as duplexes and penthouses, will pivot at a speed of 5mm per second.
Designed by British firm Glen Howells Architects in collaboration with Palmer and Turner, the 80,000 tonne building is – thanks to state-of-the-art bearings – moved using just 21-kettles-worth of electricity provided by that sexy ball of superheated gas, you guessed it, the sun! Due to be completed first-quarter 2009, prices haven't been set yet but should be revealed in March.