DIY 3D camera rig needs only one camera

If you really like the idea of shooting 3D images but you aren't keen on having to buy a new camera or expensive lens to take the 3D photos this DIY project may be just for you. The finished product lets you shoot 3D images using only one camera.

The maker of the DIY project used a Canon EOS 7D for the project and the finished 3D rig looks like a cross between an aquarium and one of those glass wall mazes at the fair. The steps to creating the project are available on Instructables if you want to give it a shot.

The project uses some mirrors put at precise angles with small ones of 2" x 3" and large mirrors of 5" x 7". The box the mirrors are housed in are made from acrylic and the bulk of the work appears to be in the precision required to align the mirrors. The finished product looks pretty cool.