Darth Vader To Be Playable In The Force Unleashed, Will Be Voiced By Chad Vader

This probably won't come as a surprise to most, but I don't read Vanity Fair, in fact I don't think I've ever been to their website before today. However, I have found myself on their site for longer than I care to mention today. No, I wasn't reading about politics or an upcoming film, but about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. They had a very in-depth article


Many of the details have been covered earlier, so I won't bore you with a re-hash of what I wrote  last week. However, one juicy tidbit that had not yet been revealed is that you actually get to play as Darth Vader. In the prologue the Dark Lord of the Sith heads to Kashyyyk to hunt down a rouge Jedi. It will certainly be interesting to gauge his Force powers against those of his apprentice. Who plays the voice of Vader? They apparently chose not to go with James Earl Jones, but rather decided with Matt Sloan. If that name doesn't quite ring a bell, you might know him better as Chad Vader.

The article also goes on to tell us that we can expect to learn much more about not only Darth Vader himself, but the birth of the Rebel Alliance as well. The article is a great read, even if the language used is meant for audiences that aren't exactly familiar with Star Wars or gaming.


[via Vanity Fair]

