Confirmed: Home Depot hacked, vulnerable since April
It's official: Home Depot was hacked. After nearly a week of silence on the issue, Home Depot is admitting fault, saying their system was compromised for months ahead of the recent discovery. In releasing a statement, Home Depot also intends to make it right with consumers.
The breach goes back to April of this year, making it potentially much more devastating than the Target breach. The malware used on Target and Home Depot was quickly identified previously, garnering 40 million card numbers in three weeks at Target. Going on five months now, there's no telling how many card numbers hackers would have from Home Depot.
Much like the Target breach, only credit card numbers were pinched — no PINs. Home Depot is saying the breach occurred in the US and Canada, with comprises a bulk of their 2,200-plus locations. Online purchases made at are unaffected — remember, this is a POS-only malware.
If you've used a credit card at Home Depot since April, consider it stolen and get a new one issued to you promptly. Home Depot is also making credit monitoring available to anyone who has used a card at any of their location since April. If your credit card company doesn't offer such a thing, be sure to take advantage of that once Home depot gives more detail on how to sign up for that.
Via: TechCrunch