Best Buy Puts Rock Band Up For Pre-Order For $60, Retracts Offer

Rock Band is going to be great, I have no doubt of this. They've already promised great bands, and a ton of awesome tracks. The peripherals look solid, and the gameplay is going to rock. But how much is it going to cost? According to Best Buy, it's going to be much cheaper than we first thought.


A little earlier today Rock Band went up for pre-order on Best Buy's website for just $59.99. If you go to their website, it will still probably tell you the low price, however, shortly after putting it up for pre-order, the link was replaced with a "Coming Soon" image.

Those that were fortunate enough to actually process their pre-orders are likely going to get their game pretty cheap. If you read the description carefully, you'll note that this is the full-blown version of the game "included drum, guitar and microphone peripherals enable players to perform music together." Whether or not Best Buy honors their own pre-order policy will be seen in a few months when the game comes out.

Best Buy offering $60 Rock Band pre-order w/ accessories [via joystiq]


