AlertMe Home Security System

My home security systems have always consisted of a lock and a dog. We've never had any problems with that unless you count the time some idiots took my dad's tailgate from his truck in broad daylight, but that was outside the house. If we ever do decide, though, to upgrade to something a little more advance I can only assume that we'd go with something like the AlertMe.


This security monitoring service is like having your mother watch over you, it thinks of and sees everything. You have two smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, three door/window sensors that will alert you if they're opened while you're gone and three key fobs that let you turn the alarms on or off with a click of a button and even allows you to know who's in the house or who's gone. That means no more late night sneaking out kiddies! You'll also receive two motion detectors that will report any movements to you and a Panic/doorbell/quick alarm cancel button.

And there's still more! You'll also get a lamp that tells you the status of your home with just a glance but it also boosts your wireless signal at the same time. Aside from all the gadgetry you get in the home you'll also be able to check your homes status online. They really have thought of everything.


AlertMe Home Security Service Thinks of Everything [via Chip Chick]

