AC/DC Signs Exclusive Deal With Verizon, Screws Customers

Here's a cool idea, open up iTunes and try to find a good AC/DC song. That's right, you can't, not for the lack of good songs made my AC/DC, rather iTunes doesn't have any of their music. But guess who does.


AC/DC has recently inked an exclusive deal with Verizon to sell their music. As much as I love their music, I'm really disappointed in this deal. Verizon is going to charge $11.99 to let you download the entire Back in Black album, you can pick up the CD on Amazon for $9.97. Why charge customers more to download music when they can just buy, and rip the CD for a couple bucks cheaper?

Maybe you'll just buy a few of your favorite songs. Go for it, but I hope you only like You Shook Me All Night Long because that's the only single they're going to offer. Thanks Verizon, way to screw your customers.

AC/DC Snubs iTunes, Joins Verizon [via crunchgear]

