Xiaomi Mi Mix bend test shocks with heartiness

Xiaomi Mi Mix bezel-less smartphone is put through a series of stress tests to see how hearty it is. While this device looks like it'll break the moment it's looked at wrong, it's come through these tests with flying colors. While we're still waiting for a proper drop test, Jerry Rig seems to have proven the basic rugged nature of this device to be solid.

I'm honestly still in shock at the results of the tests that this video shows with the Mi Mix. This device appears to be extremely fragile, top to bottom, but in the lab – the slightly unscientific lab, as it were – shows otherwise. While we've seen mixed results with some of the most expensive phones over the past year, here JerryRigEverything shows the Mi Mix to stand up quite well to basic abuse.

It's important to note that while scratch tests and bend tests are interesting, they do not show daily wear and tear. Real-life tests can only really be done over a long period of time, and every user has a different experience. Those prone to dropping their device will likely have a rough experience with this smartphone, while those that are generally careful should be fine.

The Mi Mix shows itself to be rather hearty when it comes to a pair of human hands bending its body. The Mi Mix also shows itself to stand up to a bit of fire quite well. Scratch testing here is done with a set of tools pressed with a human hand, so it's not perfectly scientific – but the results seem to show that the ceramic of the bulk of this smartphone is ready to roll tough.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix is available now in China and surrounding areas, and can be purchased through odd channels overseas. The Mi Mix is not inexpensive, coming in at $869 as a base price.