Watch this Space Hulk: Deathwing UE4 trailer crush puny graphics

The surprisingly little-known series known as Space Hulk is back with a vengeance, this time taking on the world with Unreal Engine 4. Everything we've seen with the UE4 stamp of approval on its back thus far has looked fantastic, and Space Hulk: Deathwing is no exception to the rule.

What you're going to see here is what the developers at Focus Home Entertainment suggest is "in-game" captured game footage. It would seem to be more obviously captured bits of cinematic than gameplay, but we're on the verge of a big change in gaming graphics, as always – we'll have to see.

For those of you that've played Space Hulk before, the visuals should look familiar, but much more massively realistic. Here you're going to be taking on the Genestealers from a first-person perspective in a fully operational first-person shooter, this time rolling with some especially dark action. Skulls and blood and guts and all that.

UPDATE: According to EuroGamer, Space Hulk: Deathwing will be coming to PlayStation 4 inside 2015. There is currently "no news" about an Xbox One version, but we'd guess the possibility isn't out of the question.

You'll also be able to see Space Hulk on Steam right this moment. This game was originally a turn-based strategy game with first-person visuals mixed in. It would appear that this franchise is about to get a whole lot more traditional, oddly enough.

Look like the graphics have improved over the years to you? We're pumped! Enjoy the original teaser here as well while you're at it for Deathwing once again.