Virtual Reality Star Wars on may be on Disney's horizon

Not just Star Wars 7, and not just the rest of the Star Wars movies, but every Disney-owned property should be feeling fairly confident after words shared by Disney CEO Bob Iger in the 125th anniversary edition of the Wall Street Journal this week. In it, Iger speaks of the future of entertainment, centering on Storytelling – and virtual reality.

Iger appears to be excited about the prospect of the mobile universe. While this would seem to refer to mobile smartphones and tablets, Iger is likely speaking in a slightly more broad sense. "Where someone is will no longer be a barrier to being entertained," says Iger, "the geography of leisure will be limitless."

He goes on to speak about virtual reality and augmented reality. This is Oculus Rift, Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, and whatever else is coming sooner than later.

"In essence, entertainment will be immeasurably enhanced with both virtual-reality experiences and augmented-reality experiences." Iger goes on, "Bringing us into created worlds and bringing created worlds into our world will fundamentally explode the boundaries of storytelling, unburdening the storyteller in ways we can't yet imagine."

He finishes his chat with the world with a note about how Walt Disney himself always believed in great storytelling. His "optimism and his belief that whatever lies ahead, it will be defined by great storytelling." We've got high hopes for Star Wars specifically in this vein – as well as for the many other properties Disney now owns, including Marvel Comics.

VIA: Wall Street Journal