The Pill iPod Nano 6G dock medicates your media needs

There's a way to turn any device into the masterpiece you always though it should be, and in no greater environment is this true than with the iOS suite of devices – quite evident here with The Pill for the 6th generation of iPod Nano. You've got your little display-toting machine plugged in to the middle of this pill, the pill itself being a stark red and white on either side, the speakers for the sound you'll be blasting eschewing forth from either side with skill. This look like the key for the beat junkie in you?

The Pill measures in at 147 x 48 mm, this making it still able to fit into your pocket – and your friends will be happy to see YOU when you waddle forth with heavy music jamming out of your pocket thusly. The creator of this device Gavio currently has it up on his webpage, but isn't offering up pre-orders as of yet. Similarly, you aren't able to purchase this device at the moment and no release details have been set in stone.

On the other hand, the fact that you'll be dropping an unbelievably inexpensive 10 SGD (singapore dollar) for it is made plain. Current conversion rates make this device less than $8 USD, though with shipping and the possibility that you might not be able to get it shipped at all may put a damper on your plans to import. If this device were at the Apple store in your neighborhood for $30 USD, would you pick one up? You can bet your biffy I would, that's for sure!

[via ChipChick]