Star Wars VII title tipped as "The Ancient Fear"

Amidst all the hoopla concerning the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII movie has been speculation about its still-unknown title. That speculation could be nearing its end, with a tip arriving today claiming the movie's title is "The Ancient Fear".

The information comes from Ain't It Cool, where the site's "headgeek" Harry Knowles says he has been withholding a claim for over a month, waiting for confirmation. Such concerns the upcoming Star Wars flick's title — a source previously sent him a tip that it will be "The Ancient Fear".

Knowles says he tried to get confirmation about the name from his various sources, but nothing surfaced. That apparently changed yesterday night, with a source he refers to as "Col. Mustard" saying The Ancient Fear is the movie's working title.

Not much else was said, except that the title refers to "Max Von Sydow's villain." In case you haven't yet, hit up our Star Wars tag portal to find out what other Star Wars news has surfaced in recent days.

SOURCE: Ain't It Cool