Scientists could re-create beer discovered in shipwreck from the 1840s

Researchers from Finland have found a bottle of beer from a shipwreck in the 1840s. The wreck lies off Aland Island, which is an autonomous part of Finland. The wreck was discovered in 2010 and is believed to have sunk in the 1840s. Rather than yielding treasures of gold, the discoveries carted off the ship so far have been more of the alcoholic variety.

The wreck yielded the world's oldest champagne to be considered drinkable, which has already been auctioned off. Researchers also discovered bottles of beer that apparently didn't survive the test of time particularly well, but did retain a pale golden color. According to the scientists, the beer could've originally had hints of rose, almond, and cloves.

According to the scientists, the chemical analysis of the beer would allow them with the help of the master brewer to re-create a beer that tastes much the same. I bet there a lot of beer fans out there that would gladly try a sip of 170-year-old beer. Sam Adams Shipwreck Ale anyone?

[via Reuters]