Predator wrist blade rehashed as functional replica

Man at Arms has released its latest video, and in it the team yet again recreated a from-a-movie weapon — in this case it was a Predator wrist blade. They're good sports about the whole process — they have a "Predator" appear one day with a broken wrist blade and a request for it to be repaired. Thus begins the effort, which as always includes a lot of hammering, cutting, and fire (plus, you know, a healthy does of modern technology. The end product is, as we've come to expect, fully functional.

The project features blades welded together with a stainless steel piece in the middle; they're forged, with shaping being done with good ol' fashioned fire and hammering. After being shaped, they're separated into two individual blades again and sculpted. The mechanism for holding them is the next step.

There's a lot of milling involved, a lot of careful precision. The blades are cleaned and further sculpted (then polished) and the box holding the launch mechanism is made, then it is all assembled together. The final product is very functional and (maybe) deadly.

Man at Arms is a team of modern tinkerers who task themselves with creating weapons based on requests from fans — not surprisingly, most of those requests involve weapons found in popular fiction, and the end result are many fantastic battle items brought into real life. Sound interesting? Check out some of them in the timeline below!