Pre-order the Orange Box from Valve, play Team Fortress 2 early

If you're a dedicated PC gamer, chances are that you aren't as interested in Halo 3 as those that focus their time on console games. Perhaps Team Fortress 2 might be a little more up your alley. If you want to play it early, you don't have to find a rouge copy on ebay, rather you can get yourself into the beta for just $50.

Yea, paying money to get into a beta is pretty lame. The good news is that you'd actually be paying for the Orange Box from Valve. The Orange Box will include Half-Life 2 with episodes 1 and 2 in addition to Team Fortress 2 and Portal. That's not a bad deal at all.

If you pre-order the game through Steam, you'll have access to the beta release of Team Fortress 2 on September 17 which is a good two weeks before everyone else will get to play it.

Valve Offers Team Fortress 2 Beta With Orange Box Pre-order [via dailytech]