OnePlus wants to give you Google Cardboard

This week the folks at OnePlus are doing something right. They're putting their name on some Google Cardboard units they've made themselves – using Google's specifications – and they're sending them out to whoever wants one for just the cost of shipping. While the materials might cost a bit less than five bucks (the cost of shipping) altogether, the fully constructed Google Cardboard – and all the work you'd have to do collecting the right pieces and cutting it all out – evens out nicely. UPDATE: Apparently one massive amount of people wanted to get this unit – they're out of stock!

While Google points to a number of places where you can get Google Cardboard as made by 3rd party sources, this OnePlus limited engagement is far and away the least expensive. It's just about a $15 difference from the cheapest cardboard you could buy fully constructed, but that's $15 you could spend on a fabulous sub sandwich!

This version of Cardboard has been made of thicker cardboard than the original Google Cardboard, according to OnePlus. They've also made it according to the Google Cardboard v2 specifications, so you no longer have to worry about the magnet and the ring.

This is the second move OnePlus is making in the Virtual Reality realm. They've also suggested that they'll be unveiling their OnePlus 2 on July 27th completely in virtual reality. You'll need a VR headset to see it – or at least a smartphone that'll you'll be holding up as a sort of window into the VR world.

"VR is going to change the world," says OnePlus, "and we want to help make it happen."