New World update 1.0.2 brings new bug fixes, but no server transfers yet

New World received a new update overnight, and while this update serves up another round of bug fixes, it might not sit well with New World's player base. That's because the update is arriving without server transfers, which were originally expected to go live last week. It also seems that the update misses one big bug in particular that is putting a damper on endgame progress.

Still, aside from this update doesn't include, it is packing a lot of bug fixes, and some of them are big. To start, Amazon says that it has made some tweaks to faction missions, adjusting the rate at which influence from opposing factions is gained. The hope is that these changes will make it so opposing factions have to invest "significant effort over time to flip a territory into a conflict state." Specifically, Amazon says that the influence increase over time has been reduced for attacking factions, and the influence decrease over time has been outright removed for the defending faction.

That's the most significant change shipping along with this update, but there are also many miscellaneous bug fixes to go along with it. For instance, Amazon says that it has fixed an issue where players were respawning as corpses, along with an issue where "the tier 3 fishing treasure chest wouldn't fight back after being hooked."

Ice gauntlet players will probably be pleased to learn that this patch fixes an issue where the Ice Pylon ability wouldn't cool down appropriately (which is an issue I'm intimately familiar with). At the same time, the company has also corrected several bugs related to the ever-important storage.

Unfortunately, this patch doesn't seem to have a fix for higher-tier Azoth Staffs not closing corruption portals, which is a major issue. While Amazon does say this update lays additional groundwork for server transfers, those are still nowhere to be seen either, so hopefully, it isn't long before those two issues are addressed. We'll let you know when the next patch for New World is announced, but in the meantime, you can check the full patch notes for update 1.0.2 over on the New World website.