Microsoft Surface Goes Touchless Thanks to Cameras and Transparent OLED

There has to be something said about the progression of technology. When Surface from Microsoft was first unveiled, we were all expecting Minority Report to be the next thing to happen. But, Surface still isn't everywhere, and now we're just looking for the next-best-thing. We may have it, and sure enough, Microsoft's Surface has something to do with it. Thanks to Microsoft's Applied Science Group, utilizing cameras and transparent OLED, we've now got something we want even more.

It's called a touchless telepresence display, it utilizes a Samsung prototype transparent OLED panel, and Microsoft threw in a sub-two-inch camera. They set up the camera behind the glass, which creates a 3D gesture-control interface. How? Well, you guessed it: thanks to the transparent display, it literally sees you through the OLED display, and it can track your every move right there.

You put it all together, and you've got the next best thing. And, you've got us crossing our fingers that this is the next generation of Surface. With that in mind, though, we'd like to actually see it in places, other than Microsoft stores or really expensive hotels. But, that's probably just a pipe dream.

[via OLED-info]