Hydro Physio Lifestyle Water Resistance Treadmill - Because Pools are just too expensive

Lots of athletes use pools as a training/workout facility and many elderly people can tell you that water aerobics are easier on the joints. People have been using water as a means of exercise for a long time, so it should come as no surprise that someone would want to simplify the idea in to an easy to use in home machine.

The Hydro Physio Lifestyle Water Resistance Treadmill is more than just a long name. It's a great, convenient idea. The tank can be filled and drained for easy access and use, and then just like a regular treadmill you do your workouts. Using water as a resistance helps people who the uphill function on regular machines would actually hinder. The water levels in the machine will be adjustable so you can target specific muscle groups during your routine.

This machine would be great for physical therapy as well as gym and home use. While it's only in prototype stage right now, I, personally hope it'll be available soon on the market. I know many people who this would be a handy item for.

Hydro Physio Lifestyle Water Resistance Treadmill [via OhGizmo!]