Fiat Cinque Tank [Video]

Take the bodywork of a Fiat 500, throw in the mechanics of a second-hand tractor, and you may end up with this: the Fiat Cinque Tank.  The handiwork of Kogoro Kurata, a Japanese ironsmith, the distinctive vehicle's one main flaw is its somewhat pedestrian top-speed of just 3kpm (less than 2mph).Video after the cut

Of course, 3kph is all you'd really need, as you'd want to cruise slowly so that people could admire your handiwork.  Anybody less impressed (and even slower-moving) can be persuaded out of the way via the adjustable shovel.

Funniest of all, Kogoro attempted to drive to his nearest convenience store but, after taking around two hours to get there, he found it had already closed.  Still, the look of pride in this video surely makes going hungry a negligible sacrifice.

[via Pink Tentacle]