Facebook Techwire wants to bring you the news

A lot of news breaks via a lot of avenues. Twitter, personal blogs, and even website exclusives. Though over one billion users digitally inhabit the site, the source for breaking news is almost never Facebook. With a special focus on technology, Facebook is launching FB Techwire, a companion service to their Newswire service. The service will have photos, videos, and status updates. Like Newswire, Techwire uses Storyful as its back-end provider. According to Facebook, users can expect Techwire to be real-time, too.

Like Newswire, Techwire wants to break into the breaking news forum, but not be at the forefront. Journalists are more akin to using Twitter's quick-post platform to announce news, so Facebook's Techwire simply wants to be an aggregate service.

The bonus for news agencies? Facebook has a massive user-base, and monetization strategy. Last week, Twitter said it sees about 550 million tech-related tweets monthly. The second most tweeted-about subject was food, with 66 million tweets.

Facebook also said Techwire will have embeddable content, making it a rich source for more than just headlines.

The move seems to want to draw attention away from the noise of Twitter, where everyone who can hashtag is able to put their two cents in. Whether or not users wants that — or of Facebook Techwire can accomplish that in a positive way — remains to be seen.

Source: Mashable