Facebook Photo Magic makes it easy to share photos of friends

It may not be surprising that 9.5 billion images were shared via Facebook Messenger last month. Photos seem to be the number one way that people communicate with each other via Facebook. The social network is making moves to make it easier to share images with your friends via facial recognition tech called Photo Magic. That tech is being applied directly to your camera roll.

Facebook is allowing the facial recognition tech to troll the images that you haven't uploaded to the network just yet. When it finds one of your Facebook friends in your images, it will suggest that you share the picture with them via Messenger.

This is certainly a ploy to get people to use messenger more, but it may be one that folks who take a lot of pictures will appreciate. The feature uses the same facial recognition technology that is already in use with the tag suggestions feature and the experimental Facebook app called Moments.

When friends are found in your photos, you will get a push notification that prompts you to share your images with them. Photo Magic is a feature that users can choose not to use if the thought of Facebook tech trolling all your photos makes you uncomfortable. If Photo Magic sounds like something you want to try, the bad news is that it's only available in Australia for now.

SOURCE: Buzzfeed