Exhibit at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin gets people drunk

I've been to a few museums in my day and generally, they end up being boring paces where you can't touch anything. In Germany when you visit a museum that has contemporary art not only can you touch some of the stuff, you can get wasted on some of the exhibits. The pic you see below is the before shot of an exhibit that was on display at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. If you can't quite make out what those blue cubes are, I'll give you a hint.

Those are cases of beer in bottles. Considering Germany is the home of Oktoberfest, I am not surprised this passes for art. The artist is Cyprien Gaillard and his piece was meant to illustrate the point "Preserving a monument goes hand in hand with destroying it." The most important bit for fans of the brewski may well be this; the pyramid was made from cases of Efes beer in bottles that was imported from Turkey.

The boxes formed the steps of the pyramid and people at the museum were cut loose to climb the pyramid and open the boxes, then get hammered. From the after shots in the gallery, it looks like they did a very good job. One thing about this bothers me. There was free beer at a museum, people were encouraged to drink their fill, and there are hoards of unopened cases left in that pyramid. Add that to the fact that there are no reports of riots sparked by what football team was the best of who would win the F1 championship this year and I call BS.

[via Fastcodesign]