CDC names vaping lung injury EVALI, offers precise case numbers

The lung condition impacting vapers across the nation now has an official name, at least according to a guidance published by the CDC over the weekend: EVALI. The term stands for 'electronic cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury,' which is a long way to refer to someone who developed the condition after vaping. In addition, the CDC is offering more precise numbers for more than 1,000 related cases.

The name EVALI was used in an interim guidance update for health care providers published by the Centers for Disease Control on October 11. The document is intended to help doctors evaluate someone suspected of having developed EVALI, as well as details on how to manage their conditions and more.

The guidance came a day after the CDC published its most recent numbers on the EVALI outbreak in the United States. As of October 8, officials had identified 1,299 probable and confirmed cases of the condition across 49 states. Of those cases, 573 patients reported using vaping products containing nicotine and/or THC products within 90 days of developing symptoms.

Of the patients who were able to provide details on the substances they had used within the past 90 days, 76-percent reported using vapes that contained THC and another 32-percent said they exclusively used THC products. As well, 58-percent reported having used nicotine vapes with only 13-percent reporting the exclusive use of those products.

Beyond that, the CDC now breaks down the age of patients, revealing that 80-percent of them are under the age of 35. Of those patients, 15-percent are minors, 21-percent are 18 to 20, and 18-percent are 21 to 24. The remained of patients in that 80-percent are ages 25 to 35. Officials have confirmed 26 deaths in 21 states as a result of EVALI.