CBS All Access will be replaced by Paramount+ in March

CBS All Access, the standalone streaming app that provides access to the vast CBS content library and the live channel, will be going away in early March. Here to replace it is Paramount+ from ViacomCBS, something the company said it would offer in place of CBS All Access way back in September. Now we finally know the launch date and what to expect.

CBS All Access is, of course, the streaming service launched by CBS as a standalone option for viewers who want access to the network's older shows, more recent offerings, and live-streaming access to the channel. Under ViacomCBS, the service will reboot as Paramount+.

It was revealed back in September that CBS All Access would eventually become Paramount+, but some details were missing. We now know that this service will arrive on March 4, at which point CBS All Access will cease to be. Streamers in Latin America will also get access to the service on the same date.

Ahead of that launch, ViacomCBS will provide more details, including a look at the upcoming platform, in an event on February 24. Paramount+ — which already has a live website — will join Viacom's Pluto TV, a free live television service supported by advertisements.

CBS All Access remains available right now and open to new subscribers. The platform offers content from more than just CBS at this point, including shows from networks like MTV and Comedy Central. After the free trial period, CBS All Access costs $5.99/month.