Jason Parker

Photo of Jason Parker
Oakland, CA
Jason Has A Bachelor's Degree In English From U.C. Davis, California.
Software, Video Games, Tech Culture
  • Jason analyzed and reviewed thousands of software apps and curated themed software collections at CNET Download.com.
  • Jason set the editorial voice and acted as CNET's authority figure and chief reviewer for all macOS and iOS applications.
  • In his free time, Jason plays piano, guitar, and bass and loves immersing himself in the latest video games.


Jason worked as a writer and editor for more than 20 years at CNET, where he covered Apple's Mac and iOS operating systems. Jason also spent a lot of time in front of the camera giving the audience software review highlights for the latest iOS operating systems, iPhone apps, and countless games. He currently works at Static Media writing articles for SlashGear, among several other freelance projects.


Jason has a bachelor's degree in English from U.C. Davis, California.
SlashGear Editorial Policies

SlashGear's content hails from a group of experienced technology and automotive editors and a wide-ranging team of writers, engineers, enthusiasts, and experts across consumer tech and transportation. Our goal is to provide up-to-the-minute breaking news coverage as well as original and engaging opinion and editorial content that serves as the ultimate resource for those who want to stay up to date on the latest and greatest the industry has to offer.

Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Jason Parker