An Open Letter: The Geeks that Give Us a Bad Name

Dear Geeks Who Shall Not Be Named,

I've talked about the geek trend here on SlashGear before. In fact, I've been primarily acting in defense of nerds in general, being that I am one. But there's one thing I can't stand: the geek that gives the rest of us a bad name.

You know what I'm talking about before I even describe them, don't you? These are the nerds that take it all a little too seriously. The ones that have no sense of humor. The ones that devote hours upon hours to playing D&D. No wait, I take that back. There's nothing wrong with D&D. But if you dress up in costume and adopt a British accent while play sword fighting, well, I have a problem with that.

Because you see, these are the geeks that make all of us mildly socially awkward tech-nerds lumped in with the over-the-top crazies. From the outside, we all look the same. And while the admitted nerds that are self-aware try to dial back the geekiness just a bit, the super nerds swoop in and undo all of our hard work.

There's nothing at all wrong with being nerdy or geeky. But if you feel the compulsion to relay the release dates for all the next video game releases to random strangers, or you have the incontrollable urge to tell others about your level 70 Blood Elf Hunter, please, please control yourself. Us nerds have a hard enough time as it is. Your random geeky outbursts don't make it any easier.

