An end to sticky fingers - Miele LiquidWash

If you know anything about laundry – and frankly, if you don't, then I'd suspect that your mom still does yours which makes you a lazy goose – then you'll know that German manufacturer Miele are renowned for being among the best in the world of washing machines and tumble dryers.  Where lesser machines vibrate their way across the kitchen and suffer calamitous motor demise after a year or two of use, a Miele machine will keep churning away studiously in the utility room until your kids are grown up and gone.  But is there much more that can be done to improve the washing machine, however trustworthy? 

Don't let Miele hear you wonder that out loud!  Their latest innovation is a timesaver, the LiquidWash with an auto-dispensing liquid detergent tank that measures out exactly the right amount of soap for the load.  It's also a money-saver, since you're not putting too much in and wasting it, or putting too little in and ending up with still-soiled clothes that need another trip round the drum.  Finally, to keep Mother Nature happy, it saves on individually-packaged tablets or liquid-tabs.  My only concern is the rather-unwieldy nature of the tank on top of the machine; could they not have made it a little more streamlined?

Miele [via Core77]